One of the most powerful experiences we can provide for potential financial partners is a personal introduction to Gordon College—our students, faculty, staff, campus and community.

We aim to do just that during the first week of May. On May 2­ through 4, we’ll host a group of potential givers on campus for Envision Gordon Weekend. Our goal is that, by the time they leave, they’ll be captivated by the myriad qualities that make Gordon such a special place and convinced that they want to be part of Gordon’s future as a financial partner.

After all, today is when we make plans for tomorrow: How will the next generation be prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead? How will they contribute to—and create—a workplace that doesn’t yet exist, a world that’s evolving at an unprecedented pace?

In addition to considering the big questions, our visitors will enjoy a variety of activities, including participation in the Gordon learning environment, a worship experience and hearing from world-renowned sociologist (and Gordon alum) James Davison Hunter ’77.

Worship and Christian Community

Worship is a core part of the Gordon experience. Two or more times each week, students participate in corporate worship on campus, facilitated by one of six bands, the gospel choir, piano or music ensembles. While Gordon is not a church body, worship is still a vital means for unifying our student body around what matters most.

One of the three pillars for the Faith Rising campaign is focused on community—anchored Christian community. For that reason, our weekend guests will have the opportunity to worship alongside students in an end-of-semester evening of worship called “Grounded.” Inspired by Ephesians 3:17–18, Grounded will focus on being rooted and grounded in Christ’s love. This outdoor experience will use music, spoken word and the surrounding nature to affirm and rejuvenate participants to be sent into the world carrying the love of Christ. We pray that this experience will inspire visiting friends spiritually, and also paint an authentic picture of Gordon’s students in community.

Back to the Classroom

With a stirring keynote address and other academically immersive opportunities, campus guests will get a captivating look at another Campaign priority: academics. First-hand alongside students, guests will witness how the classroom is integrated with real-world experiences, from outdoor education to music instruction to Bible translation.

Part of this exposure for weekend attendees includes the privilege to hear from James Davison Hunter ’77 on the topic of “Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality.” An expert in sociology of religion and culture, Hunter is an apt voice to hear from as we consider higher education and its task, now and in the future.

Please join us in praying now for the Envision Gordon Weekend—that guests will accept their invitation, for Gordon’s faculty and staff who will be molding the event, and that the event would be compelling and thoughtful in its message and delivery.