by Katie Donworth | Aug 16, 2019 | Latest News
It’s taken a lot of time and energy to get here, but here we are! We’re excited to share a digital version of the Faith Rising Case for Support here. The process to create the Case for Support began in July 2017. The College formed five working groups...
Rising faith calls us to strengthen our financial foundations and provide College-funded scholarships for hardworking students. To move from volatility to sustainability, we will:
Dramatically increase merit- and need-based scholarships. $65 million for endowed and current-use scholarships to recruit and retain top Christian students and graduate them without staggering debt.
Sustain the College with unrestricted annual support. $18 million in unrestricted annual support to fund all aspects of Gordon’s remarkable education where tuition revenue falls short.n.
Strengthen the foundation of the College with planned gifts. $10 million in planned gifts, including trusts, wills and bequests.
Connect learning to job placement. $4.5 million to build our exceptional Career and Connection Institute that will bridge our students into meaningful vocations and/or graduate school.
Expand La Vida. $2.5 million to propel La Vida forward as the premier institute of outdoor experiential education that develops servant-leaders who are equipped to transform their communities worldwide.
Achieve excellence in Athletics. $5 million to grow Athletics into a winning program that also continues to foster character-based servant-leadership development.
Rising faith calls us to grow beyond life as usual in our academics to prepare students to enter an ever-changing world with people from all over the globe. To prepare students with a powerful education, we will:
Expand accessibility for students and increase opportunities to connect learning with doing. $9.5 million to increase graduate programs, extended learning programs, internships, practicums and classroom activities that transform and elevate the connections between learning and doing.
Foster vibrant classrooms by feeding faculty intellect. $9 million to recruit, invest in and support faculty in their teaching, learning and professional development.
Support these goals with enhanced technology. $6.5 million to help propel our educational model into the future with the support of appropriate technology.
Educate a broader population of students with expanded programming. $20 million to increase graduate programs, extended learning programs, practicums and classroom activities that transform and elevate the connections between learning and doing; solidify our most vital fields of study through faculty chairs and expanded research; and propel our educational model into the future with the support of appropriate technology.