Neema Kamau sees Gordon College as the “promised land” that God was preparing her for after she graduated from high school in her home country of Kenya. She had applied to a number of American colleges and been accepted to several, but didn’t receive adequate financial aid and was not yet aware of Gordon. She continued to wait for two long years, not wanting her dream of studying in America to put a financial strain on her family.
Then a Gordon student came to Kenya for an internship at Neema’s church. As she learned more about Gordon, she became drawn to our campus and applied. Not only was she accepted, but thanks to generous donor support, her financial needs were met so she could attend.
Neema came to Gordon because she wanted to be an institution where her faith helped inform her daily experiences. Now a finance major, she is being equipped to return to Kenya with hopes of ending the fiscal corruption that impedes Kenya’s complete flourishing. Her knowledge and growth continues to be nourished on campus through a liberal arts education, and initiatives such as the Jerusalem and Athens Forum honors program and the Career and Calling Institute which allow her to serve her peers and the College.