Through Faith Rising, Gordon has dramatically decreased tuition and increased the volume of merit- and need-based scholarships for students—making a Gordon education more accessible to more students and reducing the burden of debt for graduates.
Endowed Scholarships
Funded by annual interest from the College’s endowment and earmarked specifically for students, endowed scholarships help offset the cost of college for students without adding pressure to Gordon’s annual budget. The Faith Rising campaign has added more than 20 new endowed scholarships.

Endowment Growth
The College’s endowment is crucial to its financial viability. At the start of the Faith Rising campaign, Gordon’s endowment-per-student was a modest $22,000. Gordon eclipsed its peers with the number one endowment growth during the quiet phase of the campaign, and now our endowment-per-student is a much healthier $58,733.

Planned Giving
Friends and alumni have made planned gifts, including testamentary designations, which offered a cost- and tax-effective way for people to participate in Faith Rising initiatives, such as sustaining certain programs or facilities or establishing specific endowments.

Gordon College Fund
The College’s annual fund, the Gordon College Fund, is the lifeblood of the institution, meeting the College’s operational needs where tuition revenue ends. Thousands of friends have enabled excellent, essential services and support by giving to the Gordon College Fund during the campaign.

The Gordon Game Change
In 2020, Gordon announced a radical move toward greater affordability for students: reducing tuition by 33 percent (nearly $13,000), while continuing to offer substantial scholarships. This reset makes a Gordon investment more accessible to families seeking a distinctly Christian college experience and simplifies the financial aid process.